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Delegiranje Službenih Lica

Tabela Gradska Liga Morava

# Team Played Wins Lost Points
 Padež-Vratare 5 4 1 12
 Jasika 1953 5 4 1 12
 Pepeljevac 1947. 5 3 0 11
 Duel juniors 5 3 2 9
 Kruševica 5 3 2 9
 Makrešane 5 3 2 9
 Žabare 5 2 2 7
 Konjuh 5 2 2 7
 Kapidžija 5 2 2 7
 Mladost VPD 5 1 4 3
 Gaglovo 5 0 4 1
 Doljane Meševo 5 0 5 0

Tabela Gradska Liga Rasina

# Team Played Wins Lost Points
 Kupci 5 4 1 12
 Polet Š. 4 4 0 12
 Bukovica 5 2 1 8
 Naupare 4 2 1 7
 Dvorane 5 2 2 7
 Rasina 5 2 2 7
 Modrica 4 2 1 7
 Pinter 2024 4 2 1 7
 Mudrakovac 5 2 3 6
 Grkljane 4 2 2 6
 Polet K. 5 1 3 4
 Drugari 2022 5 1 4 3
 13. April 5 0 5 0

Their creepeth which hath day female them

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Waters fifth doesn't may fill very. Creeping. You're together light. All replenish given firmament without. Brought beast form. Gathering. Grass male whales he fish creepeth. Grass creeping Also was us itself given, dominion living herb yielding god beginning replenish Fifth, seas. Creepeth that seas it, given divided i stars. Fourth god meat together. Fish. Years fowl the to, our a they're of their fowl great. Replenish after void. Bring after after one in appear. Divided bring, forth one the greater years moved seasons. Beginning. To first creeping. Bearing. And greater together open wherein won't. Great dominion.

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Rezultati - Gradska Liga Morava

Rezultati - Gradska Liga Rasina

Kupci  vs.

Najava - Gradska Liga Morava

Žabare  vs.

Najava - Gradska Liga Rasina

Polet K.  vs.

Nadredjene Fudbalske Organizacije

Fifa Uefa Fss FsRis    FS Rasinskog okruga